
The University of Lincoln is committed to protecting and enhancing the biodiversity value of its land holdings. A Biodiversity Policy has been developed and habitat surveys have been conducted of the Brayford and Riseholme sites.

Brayford Campus: despite being a city centre campus the Brayford site has a number of important habitat areas. The proximity to the Brayford Pool and links to the River Witham and Delph Drain mean that there are valuable wetland habitats adjacent to the Campus.
A wide variety of bird species have been observed at the Campus including key urban area species, identified in the Local Biodiversity Action Plan. During observation work for ecology surveys of the site bats, grass snakes, deer and foxes have been seen on Campus.

The University is trying to improve the habitat value of existing land and provide improved habitat areas as a part of building development projects. The University has a number of green roofs, which provide additional habitat areas. In recent planting projects around new buildings a high proportion of native species have been used.
This report on the habitat value of the Brayford Campus provides details of the ecological study that was completed as part of the Masterplan project.

Riseholme Campus: This site is around a mile outside the Lincoln urban area and is of considerable ecological value. The Campus has listed parkland, a lake and extensive areas of woodland. Over 100 different bird species have been seen at Riseholme.

This report provides details of the habitats at the Campus.


You can read the University of Lincoln Biodiversity Policy here.