This year, Fairtrade Fortnight falls between the 23th of February and the 8th of March.
Fairtrade is about better prices, decent working conditions and fair terms of trade for farmers and workers.
It’s about supporting the development of thriving farming and worker communities that have more control over their futures and protecting the environment in which they live and work.
And it’s your opportunity to connect with the people who grow the produce that we all depend on. Here at the University, we celebrate that Lincoln is a Fairtrade City and we will be showcasing what Fairtrade is and how you can get involved during Fairtrade Fortnight. The University of Lincoln is working towards getting a Fairtrade University status.
On the 4th of March 2015, we are hosting a film screening of Film Matters by the Fairtrade Foundation. Along with this, there will be a keynote speaker, Tim Gutteridge (COO of Fairtrade Foundation), discussion on Vietnam & Fairtrade, a Fairtrade craft stall and Fairtrade wine tasting.
Here is the link to sign up for the event – EventBrite Event
More information about the fortnights events are to follow!
Why is Fairtrade Important? By choosing to buy Fairtrade items, over 1million workers in 58 of the poorest countries of the world get a fairer deal. It also helps them to improve their communities by making money available to ensure clean water, build school and health centres, and for them to have better control of their lives.